Film Based on Horror-Survival Video Game Is Surprise Box Office Hit
“Five Nights at Freddy’s,” which sold an estimated $78 million in tickets at North American theaters, reinforced moviegoers’ desire for…
One Year After Tragedy, a Subdued Halloween in Itaewon
Seoul marked a somber anniversary over the weekend, a year after nearly 160 people died in a crowd surge in…
How ‘Madame Morbid,’ a Ghost Tour Guide, Spends Her Sundays
Allison Chase leads tours of Brooklyn’s gruesome history, hidden cemeteries and paranormal sightings in a replica Victorian trolley.
Where, Oh Where, Are the WTA Finals?
Mexico landed the event this year at the last second, the third year in a row the tournament has been…
The Bond Market, a Sleeping Giant, Awakes
Soaring interest rates have the power to alter the direction of the economy and command the attention of Washington, our…
Why This Craftsman Can’t Wait for Halloween to Be Over
The pressure is on for a professional pumpkin carver, who doesn’t even have time to go trick-or-treating with his children.
What Ford’s Labor Deal Might Mean for the Auto Industry
Car manufacturers must now raise labor costs as they confront slower-than-expected demand for electric vehicles.
European Central Bank Keeps Rates on Hold for First Time in Over a Year
“Inflation is still expected to stay too high for too long,” the bank said, but noted that its campaign of…
Why Do We Enrich Older Americans at the Expense of Everyone Else?
We older Americans are not only controlling national politics, we are consuming an ever larger share of our economy’s resources…