
What Joe Biden Just Did Is Utterly Extraordinary

In the hours and days to come, many political observers will say that President Biden was backed into a corner and had no choice but to end his re-election campaign. His limitations had been laid painfully bare. He’d lost the confidence of the Democratic Party. And he was staggering toward an increasingly ugly revolt within it or a potentially harrowing defeat by Donald Trump. Bowing out wasn’t an act of grace. It was a saving of face.

All correct. But that’s not the whole truth. Not the full story. It misses the bigness of what Biden just did — its historical rarity, its emotional agony, its fundamental humility.

Yes, his decision to abandon his aspirations for a second term and let another, younger Democrat seek the presidency came weeks later than it should have, after too much secrecy, too much arrogance, too much denial. He pushed wishful thinking to the limit, scoffing at polls, sniping at the news media and claiming omniscience in a manner that eerily echoed Trump’s populist bluster. (“I’m getting so frustrated by the elites.” “Look at the crowds.”) But that doesn’t erase the enormous impact and extraordinary example of relinquishing his candidacy.

His exit from the presidential race creates a kind and magnitude of uncertainty about who one of the major party’s nominees will be — and what sort of late-stage, rushed operation that person can put together — that has no real precedent in modern American politics. Maybe his endorsement of Kamala Harris and the vice-president’s traditional status as heir apparent will amount to her speedy anointment. Maybe not. She has doubters aplenty, and many prominent Democrats crave a real competition, not a segue from obligatory indulgence of Biden to forced allegiance to Harris.

This is terra incognita. While Republicans in 1964 and Democrats in 1968 began their summer conventions without clarity about the outcome, the candidates in the hunt for the nomination had been making their pitches and jockeying for position for much of the year. They weren’t in a mad dash after a mid-July swerve that has many Americans reeling.

Nor was their party puzzling over what to do in a climate of panic this intense. Democrats aren’t simply thinking and talking about the best way to beat Republicans; they’re thinking and talking about the sturdiest bulwark against a second Trump administration that they rightly consider a dire threat to American democracy itself. And they’re confronting a version of Trump, with his wounded ear and his swollen claims of divine mission, as confident of victory and in command of his followers as he has ever been.

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