The Unexpected Trick to Grilling Better Hot Dogs

Freeze a hot dog until it’s solid. That’s the first step to cooking one, according to a video published last month and now viewed tens of millions of times. The icy cold hot dog is then shaved with a vegetable peeler and air-fried into bouncy curls.
In other videos, hot dogs have undergone more extreme treatments: sliced into ringlets and pine cones or slashed with cross hatches and fish scales. Though these preparations promise browned bits and quicker cook times, not all glow-ups are worth the effort.
Recipe: Grilled Hot Dogs
In tests with various brands of hot dogs (including beef, pork, poultry and plant-based) on charcoal and gas grills, and a campfire, on their own and in buns with toppings, the soundest method for consistently snappy sizzled hot dogs was also the most straightforward. Vegetable peeler and TikTok tutorials not required.
The set up is minimal: a flame, a grate and tongs. Same with the method. Here are the three tips to keep in mind.